We've Got Plans!
We were able to get a new EA (Environmental Assessment) submitted to the BLM this fall. It’s currently under review (which means NOTHING is approve yet). With any kind of luck we will be able to get started on these projects in the Spring of 2023. You’ll notice this EA focuses on cleaning things up. This is the first step in being able to utilize the additional approved mileage in the BLM’s Special Recreation Management Areas that are approved for mechanized use. Once we get this done we will submit another EA that focuses on new trails and really making some key new connections to improve the trail user experience while minimizing our impact.
Like any project, it takes money. The BLM will require studies prior to approving our plan. We’re hoping to raise $15,000 this year to help fund the archaeological, cultural and biological studies required.
Your donation will help fund trail projects in Eagle